Hello friends! Things have been a little crazy the last few weeks, I apologize for not sharing in so long.
I just saw this dresser/desk at IKEA for $100. I should have bought it! So cute!
Anyone know a good apartment search site? I need to find one. An apartment, that is.
Let's talk about movies.
Morning Glory: Adorable, just like everyone thought. If you know me, you are aware of my love for Rachel McAdams. She is one of my favorite actresses, so much to the point that I end up wanting to be just like every character she plays.
Daybreakers. Ethan Hawke is just so foxy. Yes, foxy. The story was pretty interesting. I liked it. Their use of color symbolism was amazing. But once you notice it, it becomes kind of distracting- at least, it did for me. If you don't mind blood and grossness, check it out sometime.
Harry Potter. I don't even know what to say. I just CAN'T WAIT for the next one in July.
How is everyone's Christmas shopping coming along? Going home for a while for Christmas is going to be amazing. I can't wait to see how my Mama decorates the house. I imagine it will look something (if not identical) to this (without the numbers, of course.)
Heard this song today from Paramore Pandora. Great way to start my day : )