Happy New Year!
It's been a while since I have posted anything... but here are some things I am still exited about:
Check out this video a friend sent me about pixels taking over the world. Pretty badass.
Our trip to Disneyland and Los Angeles is in 20 days! My adorable boyfriend has been sending me emails daily with a count down and a picture.. like this one below- how wonderful is he!

I have been doing a tons of crafts lately. I made my mom and Frank's mom a wreath for Christmas, each with different season/holiday velrco garnishes- it was pretty adorable. I'll upload some pictures of that soon (I was so excited to give them away that I forgot to take pictures.)
My brother is getting married! I'm not sure how involved I'll be in the helping out stuff, but it at least gives me an excuse to keep expanding my weddings board on Pinterest. Check it out here! (For my future)

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