Veggies & Brownies
My best friend just recently started a blog and it's random like mine, but totally cute! Here is one of her latest posts that I thought some of my readers would enjoy too.

"Mmm, mmm, GOOD!
Just found something extremely exciting and felt I had to share! On theLodown.com (Lo Bosworth’s blog) she posted a “No Pudge” brownie that I can’t wait to try! There are only 110 calories and no fat! They are made using yogurt! I think they have them in some stores, but may have to get them online. Brownies are hands down my FAVORITE sweet treat! I have been trying really hard to stick to my healthy diet and exercise routine – meaning I can’t remember the last time I had a brownie! If anyone knows where I can go pick up a box, let me know!'

A one-page, vegetable calender? Am I missing something?

"We provide that possibility."
Have y'all ever seen Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind? Such a good movie!! Thanks for reminding me!
TalkLikeLovers- Thanks for making me waste away my evening. SO Adorable!
I just spent 27 minutes looking more into talk like lovers' latest entry. How AMAZING is this company's work?! To answer stated question.... AMAZING!!!!!
"Like I won something on a game show, over and over and over."
How about another THXTHXTHX update. Hopefully, my love for this blog/idea/woman will make you want to read her blog everyday.

Here are some of my more recent favorites.

Hair FORK?
So, I have been looking for a "hair fork" for weeks now. I recently saw the movie Chloe, which I loved, and this further deepened my want for one. These are pretty awful pictures, but... you get the idea.

The only one that I have found, that I even PARTLY like, is this Etsy one. Be on the lookout for a plain silver metal one for me! Thanks! : )
And obviously... it can be used a defense mechanism if need be.... (I can totally justify buying one of these.)

The only one that I have found, that I even PARTLY like, is this Etsy one. Be on the lookout for a plain silver metal one for me! Thanks! : )
Covered Bridge
Today, I painted a picture of a covered-bridge for my Grandad. We are going to visit that side of the family this weekend : ) Do you like it?
Random Updates now titled "King's to you, Edmund."
I am going to buy something from ModCloth. As much as I LOVE that store and as many times as I "online window shop" through it daily, I need to just bite the bullet and buy something. But I can't decide what it should be! Such a hard decision. I am thinkin' shoes. What are some of y'all's favorites?

Maybe I should keep looking....
Anyways... I have a bunch of movies to watch before heading back to Orlando. Just watched L.A. Confidential (1997). My brother told me that I needed to see it AGES ago and I didn't really want to until I saw that Kevin Spacey and Guy Pierce are leads. Given that I LOVE both of them, I thought that it would be an "okay" flick. While it is, I just didn't appreciate it as much as some might.
To be honest, I didn't really like it. I loved Danny De Vito's narration, and the way Russell Crowe's voice kept getting deeper (IS THIS LEGIT?). But I just couldn't focus. I keep wishing Guy Pierce to end up the central antagonist. Or maybe a mad-jealous 18th century French aristocrat that carries a King chess piece in his pocket. Or even a memory-lapsed widower covered in tattoos permanently confusing and searching for a man he has already found. Or maybe I should just see more of Guy Pierce's work.
I realized the other day that I still have a few things to do for Joly's 15. Wow... a year later! One more "viewing" and two little reviews- I will be finishing this sucker up hopefully in the next few days.
I realize that all of these commercials that I update must make you think that all I do is sit around and watch television... well, you're right. Welcome to my summer! They all seem to be AT&T commercials though.... weird. Here is one more : )
So, just to recap... I like shoes, Russell Crowe's voice, procrastinating, and AT&T commercials. What else do you need to know?
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