

Everything I know about life, I learned from John Hughes

I would like to read this book

Eleven things you believed as a kid. (I still believe some of these.)

Such adorable vows. His pledge to her:
"i will kill the spiders. i will share my fries with you when you’ve finished all yours and are still hungry. i won’t ever pop my collar. i will never be rude to your tummy- when i hear it growl and gurgle, i promise to bend down and reply respectfully. i will eat the mushrooms when we order the supreme pizza. i will kiss the papercuts. and the door-slammed finger. and the counter-bumped hip. i’ll try my hardest not to get annoyed when you whisper questions and comments during movies. i will be the big spoon. i will let you win at wrestling. sometimes. other times i will not. i will go faster. harder. i will pull when you want. and tease you when you don’t. i will send you random txts and leave you silly gifts. not always. not on schedule. just whenever i want to. whenever i think you need one. or seven. i will check your tire pressure. and remind you to take your car in. i will hold your hand. i will love you. i will love you. i will love you." 

Marilyn Monroe still influences women. Have you seen My Week With Marilyn yet?! Go. Now. One of my favorite Marilyn quotes: "I restore myself when I'm alone." 

I follow Jason Segel's twitter (@jasonsegel) and saw this post from him yesterday: 
"My favorite thing, maybe ever. I am in awe. Response on the way --" with a link to the video below. Ah, the power of social networking. 


  1. She's almost as cute as you, Becki.

  2. Some of those ARE true, right? specifically #6 and #9...
