
What Should We Call Me?

I may be behind on the times, but you can create your own Starbucks gift card? Amazing. 

I came across this blog called #whatshouldwecallme and have been on it ALL day. Here are some that make me smile: 
My roommate. 
My boyfriend. 
My brother. 
My best friend. (Because that's what biffles do.) 
My mom. 
What are some of your favorites?

CupOfJo posted this the other day. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! 


  1. I love that blog you posted about!! I read 9 or so pages and laughed out loud a lot but decided I had to get off or else I wouldn't get anything done!

  2. The one you posted for your mamma is the best- that's us! :)
